I had to make a 2nd cookbook order, so those of you that have not reserved a copy, may still do so.  They are $15 each if you meet me to pick up.  If they must be shipped, they will be $20 each.  These are selling fast!  Thanks so much to evert
Our Team Trevor cookbooks, "A Pound of This...An Ounce of That," are here! I received them late Friday afternoon.  If you ordered through the website, you can contact me at [email protected] to arrange pick-up. (If I have not already called you).  I ordered 330 books, and I am down to only 62 left!  These are going REALLY fast! 
In about 7 weeks, Trevor will be 2 years old.  It's so hard to believe!  I've already began birthday party plans.  The theme will be "Barnyard."  I have already ordered the cake from Custom Cakes by Hope.  She made Trevor's 1st Birthday cake and it was amazing!  I can't wait to see how this one turns out.  Since he is close to his 2nd birthday, we have a lot of appointments coming up.  The month of October looks crazy busy on my calendar!  He has 4 doctor/specialist appointments, 3 of those in Houston.  October 1st will be his 2nd NICU reunion at The Children's Museum of Texas.  We had a really good time last year, but he was too small to enjoy the exhibits and fun.  The museum is 3 stories of wall-to-wall fun and adventure for kids, and TWHT NICU reserves the entire museum just for the NICU kids!  I can't wait to see him play there this year!    
Trevor' is such a sweet baby!  Now when we kiss him goodnight, and sometimes, just for no reason at all, he says "Lul Loo".  (Love You).  It just melts my heart every time!  

We have officially started potty training!  So far, so good.  It seems like he will be fairly easy to train, since he likes sitting on the potty.  We still have about 2 months until his 2nd Birthday, but the terrible 2's are already here!  He is such a funny and sweet baby, but his wild side is coming out more and more each day.  Cleaning house is almost impossible when it's just me & Trevor at home.  Before I can get one room cleaned up, he has already destroyed another one!  No complaints, though....I love that he is acting like every other 2 year old!  The party planning is in progress :)  I can't wait!  This year his birthday party will be farm animal themed.  

On another note, Trevor is completely released from ECI (developmental therapy).  Yep...he is a graduate! I am very excited for the most part, and SO thankful that my little guy appears to have escaped the terrible effects surrounding his birth, and after.  While most doctors will agree that preemies completely "catch up" with their peers by the age of 2, little research has been done on the long term effects of babies as early/small as Trevor was.  This is mainly because not enough years have passed by since medical technology advanced enough to save those like Trevor.  He is not, and will not be "completely" caught up by his 2nd birthday.  He is still less advanced in language skills than most kids his age, and still a bit smaller than most.  I wouldn't consider him terribly behind, because if I take away the 3.5 months to allow for his prematurity, that would put him at about 18 months, 2 weeks old.  In my opinion, he looks and acts just like any other 18-19 month old :)   
"In The News" delivered Trevor's plaque today.  It's very big!  I would guess about 25x30.  It's mounted on a beautiful mahogany plaque and has an engraved name plate at the bottom.  I just have to find somewhere to hang it now!  The picture is not a very good one because I took it with my cell phone, with the plaque laying on my kitchen table.  My table is almost the exact same wood, so it kinda blends in, but you can get an idea of what it looks like, anyway.

Trevor is not feeling well today.  He has had fever all day long and is very fussy.  I'm pretty sure it's from teething though.  He has 2 jaw teeth and both eye teeth coming in, all at one time.  Poor little guy :(  I hate to see him like this.  Sorry for such a short update, but I have to get back to Trevor.  He wants to be held constantly when he doesn't feel good.  Will update more later. 
I haven't posted a lot of recent pictures in a while, and tonight Trevor is playing contently with his "Little People barn", so I thought I'd take advantage off a little free time and post some. I will post them in the "pictures 2" section.  Enjoy!

I took this picture of Trevor a few weeks ago.  We finally got a little relief from the drought, and had a rain shower that day.  I decided to let Trevor take advantage of it!  It was his first time playing in the rain/mud.  At first he was a little unsure and didn't want to get in any puddles.  But, as you can see, it didn't take long before he was jumping in puddles and throwing mud like a pro!  
Team Trevor's story came out today in the Beaumont Enterprise!  I bought several copies.  it covers the entire 1st page of the "BE" section, in color, and continues on the back page.  If you missed it, you can view the photos online at www.beaumontenterprise.com.  There are 18 pictures, but the full story is not there.  I was pleased with the article, but disappointed at what the doctor they interviewed had to say.  I have no idea who that doctor is, and he has never seen Trevor.  However, he told them that we (meaning Dennis & I) really won't know if anything is wrong with Trevor, mentally, until he starts school.  That doctor has nothing to go on but statistics.  We all know how Trevor feels about statistics.  Statistically, Trevor shouldn't even BE HERE, so in my opinion, statistics do not apply to Trevor.  Why didn't they talk to one of the 15 different doctors and SPECIALISTS he has had?  I think he is just another one of those doctors who hasn't met a miracle quite like Trevor, therefore, doesn't believe anything but what text books tell him.  Trevor is fine.  I know it. I see it everyday.  I have watched him come so far in the past year and a half, and there is no doubt in my mind that his mental status is anything less than any other child his age. 

 We have had an amazing response to the cookbooks so far!  We have already received close to 80 pre-orders!  If you would like to have one, I will accept preorders until July 30th.  You may pay through paypal here on the website, or mail your order.  See the "A Pound of This...An Ounce of That" tab on the header bar for more information.  

Trevor is doing wonderful!  He continues to be a complete joy to us!  He is so busy and active!  I think I need to start taking vitamins just to keep up with him!  His new favorite word is "No."  I knew this day was coming!  I pick him up and tell him "give Mommy a kiss..."  He says "No" then kisses me!  It's so cute :)  I am sure that "No" will not be so cute in the months to come, but for now, I am enjoying it!   

He was supposed to have another follow up at the Ages and Stages clinic at Texas Children's this month, but he doesn't have to go now!  Every 4 months they mail me a questionnaire to fill out.  It has general questions about the things he is doing, trying to do, or not doing at all.  I have to mail it back to them and then they call to set up his appointment.  Well, this time, they called to set up NO appointment!  They said he is developmentally on target for his age!  Woo Hoo!  My little buddy is just sooooo smart!  I will have to fill out another questionnaire in October and we will go from there.  I am certain all will be perfect with that one as well.  He learns things so fast, and is able to retain what he learns, very quickly.  
The Beaumont Enterprise asked Dennis and I for an interview last week.  They are doing a feature story on Trevor.  The interview took about an hour and a half.  From the questions the reporter was asking, I am certain they are going to run a story about Trevor from birth until now. I'm so excited that more people will now get to know Trevor's amazing story!  She was just amazed that Trevor has no profound problems associated with his prematurity.  This is nothing new, as EVERYONE is astonished at his perfect outcome. Dennis and I love to see people's reactions when we tell them Trevor's story, and then tell them he is completely healthy and normal. They were also extremely interested in our cookbooks and will print ordering information along with the article! We met the reporter and photographer again on Tuesday so they could take pictures of Trevor.  He was in a very good mood, but did not want to smile for the camera.  He was more interested in playing.  They were both very sweet and we are thankful to them for helping us get the word out about our cookbooks.   I am very excited about this and can't wait to see it in the paper!  It will be in Sunday's (7-10) edition, so don't forget to get a Sunday paper!  Also, the Tyler County Booster will be running an article about it in their 7-14 edition! 
During the next few days, Trevor's website will be undergoing some changes.  Please be patient with me, and I will try to have it all completed quickly.  New features added will be embedded documents, more pictures, videos and music directly on the page, and a few more things.  I will still continue the Blog, so stay tuned!  
Trevor has finally moved up from the 21lbs that he has been stuck at for 4 months now!  His current weight is 23lbs 4oz and he is 30.75 inches tall.  He is still quite a bit smaller than kids his age, but is catching up.  He is just the funniest baby in the world, and of course, the most handsome!  I wanted to share with everyone what he did a couple of weeks ago at my in-law's house.  We were all sitting on the porch and Trevor was playing with his Paw Paw Campbell.  He picked up Paw Paw's coffee cup walked to the front door, and began to yell and whine about going inside.  We kept trying to distract him but he wouldn't give in.  Finally, he toddled over to me, coffee cup in his hand....picked up my drink from the table beside my chair, poured my tea into the coffee cup, and toddled back over to his Paw Paw and handed him the cup!  He wanted to go inside and get Paw Paw more coffee because his cup was empty!  It was just the cutest and sweetest thing!  He just continues to amaze us with his wisdom!  He is so smart....something that I am grateful for every single day.