Trevor is a little over 10 months old now.  He is growing so fast, I can hardly keep up!  His new favorite thing to do is to "feed himself."  I was feeding him the other day and I had to get up and get something for one of the girls, and when I turned back around, Trevor had the baby food jar with both hands- turned upside down and was trying to "drink" it!  Of course, it spilled all over him and the highchair.  So...since there was already a big mess and he was having such a good time, I gave him the spoon and let him have at it!  The picture is the aftermath!  He had babyfood EVERYWHERE!!!  But he was having the best time smearing around with his hands and trying to spoon feed himself!  It was just so cute! 

He is trying so hard to crawl.  He can get on his hands and knees and rock, but when he tries to crawl, he falls over and just scoots to wherever he wants to go.  He can definately get to anything he wants to get to, if its on the floor!  Oh and just a side note: Baby Magic baby lotion is NOT poisonous if a small amount is ingested.  Trevor decided to eat some yesterday while Mommy wasn't looking. I had NO idea that he would be able to open the flip top cap, but he showed me that he knew EXACTLY how. After a quick call to poison control, I was assured he would be fine, but could possibly have some diarrhea.  So I calmed down and enjoyed some sweet smelling kisses for a while, and last night his poopy diaper was pleasantly scented with Baby Magic. 

Trevor's blood work came back PERFECT!  He iron levels are not low, like the Dr.s thought it would be.  He is so healthy! It's so hard to fathom the idea of him being in critical condition for the first few months of his life.....with NO long-term effects.  I am praying every single day that he continues to stay healthy and does not develop any health related issues. 

He is now eating Stage 3 baby food, which is less smooth than 1 & 2.  It has tiny little chunks left in it.  I wasn't sure how he would do with it, but he is a pro at chewing! I fed him Gerber Spaghetti & Meat Dinner today and he ate almost the whole jar, with the exception of about 2 tablespoons on his face!  He really, really likes spaghetti.  It's just so cute to watch him chew!  Well, I guess you can still call it chewing....or gumming, since he still doesn't have any teeth!  I really don't think it will be much longer though.  I THINK I can see 2 bottom teeth through his little gums!
Trevor is just doing amazing!  He went to his 9 month check up with Dr. Worley yesterday.  He weighed 16lbs 7oz and was 25.75 inches long.  I think they are a little "off" on his length because he was wiggling so much.  I am going to measure him myself when he goes to sleep tonight.  Anyway, Trevor is now rolling all over the place!  He pushes up on his arms and spins in a circle!  The physical therapist said that he will probably be crawling within a month.  He also says" Da-Da" non-stop now.  I try to get him to say Ma-Ma, but he will shake his head "no" at me!  It's so cute...  They had to take blood Friday to check his iron levels, and of course, they had a really hard time hitting his veins.  He has really tiny viens, and they always had a hard time getting blood from him in the NICU too.  I wont know the results of the bloodwork until next week sometime, but I am sure everything is fine.  Dr. Worley said that he is not going to order another MRI of Trevor's brain.  He said that trevor is extremely smart, and is 100% confident that his brain is fine.  So, there is no need to put him under general anesthesia for a test he does not need.  I am so glad!  It's so amazing to look at how far he has come, and how PERFECT he is developing.  Truely a miracle baby! 