Trevor is 7 months old now.  He weighs 12lbs 4 oz.  He is doing great with solid foods now, and sometimes cries for more after he is done!  ECI still comes to our home once a week and physical therapy comes twice a month.  Trevor's physical therapy goal for June is to be able to sit up with very little or no assistance.  He is doing pretty good with it, and I feel like he will master it in a few weeks.  Today he surprised me!  I was feeding him and he reached up and grabbed his bottle.   Just for kicks, I let it go.  He held it!  All evening he has been holding his own bottle!  I am just so proud of him.  Once again...he never ceases to amaze me.  He also makes "raspberries" now!  He blows spit bubbles, laughs VERY loud, and has said Da-da-da a few times (but only when he was mad and crying LOL!)  He started spitting up, which was out of the norm for him, so we switched to a "sensitive" formula, and it seems to be helping.  I am still mixing his formula to 24 cal per oz, and he still needs the thickener.  I tried to wean him down some on the thickener, but had to go back to the full amount he has always been on.  He still has trouble swallowing thinner liquids.  The best news came last week when the therapist told us that he does not see any signs of a permanent physical or mental disability and does not see any severe problems in the future for Trevor.  This is such a relief for me, but I trusted that God was going to take care of him, and he has.  I will post new pics tonight!