Trevor went for his 4 hour lung test yesterday, but after the doctor examined him, she said he didn't need to go through that again, he is fine!  His lungs sound excellent and she said he his overall health is perfect!  So, she released him!  He does not have to see the pulmonary specialist anymore!  Yay!  We are one step closer to a complete recovery.  Today Trevor learned how to hold a toy in his hand and bring it to his mouth.  He is learning things so quickly.  He amazes me everyday. 

I never thought I would have to do this, but I have had to block comments here on the website.  Someone left a very heartless comment about Trevor last night.  I have deleted it and made the blog comments only available to those of you that I know.  Unfortunately, if anyone new wants to post a comment, you will have to email me first.  It's an inconvenience, but I had to do something.  I will not allow negative feedback about my son to be published on his website.

Trevor seen Dr. Worley today for his 6 month evaluation/check up.  All the news was wonderful.  Dr.  Worley was so excited about how well he is doing.  He also recommended that we start introducing solids (baby food).  Developmentally, Trevor is only ONE milestone behind for a six month old - not passing objects from one hand to another.  That is excellent progress!  Especially since from a medical point of view, he should compare developmentally to a 3 month old. He also got his 6month old vaccinations today.  He was not feeling too great after the shots, and has slept for 3 hours straight so far.  He did this last time too, so I'm not worried at all.  He will feel much better in the morning.  He weighed 11lbs 13oz and was 22 inches long.  Once again....we are blessed!

Today (technically yesterday since I am posting after midnight) Trevor is 6 months old.  I cannot even begin to describe what a blessing he has been in our lives.  It's so hard to believe that he is 6 months old, though.  It seems like everything just went so fast, and all my days ran together.  It's hard to imagine that the frail little baby in all those pictures, could be so healthy and happy just 6 months later.  God never fails to amaze me. 
Trevor is doing great.  He will see Dr. Worley (pediatrician) on Wednesday for his 6 month check up and shots (eeew!)  Thursday he will have another OCRG ( 4 hour lung test) in Houston at Texas Children's.  I am praying that this time it is all good news.  Last time it wasn't so good, but I truely believe that it was not an accurate test.  We will see how Thursday goes.   ECI was supposed  to come this morning, they come every Monday, but they rescheduled for tomorrow morning.  I will post about his progress when I get the report.  I already know what his progress is, but its always nice to see what the experts say :) 
He has learned a couple of new things!  He sucks his thumb (Grrrr) everytime he can get away with it.  I try to move his hand when I catch him, but he always puts it back!  He now can SCREAM!  And I don't mean scream like crying or fussing, I mean scream very LOUD when playing.  Sometimes it even scares him!  He is also very interested in toys now.  His favorites are the one on his carseat from PawPaw Kelly, the noisy elephant from MeMe, and the cement mixer truck from Grammy!  It has little colored beads inside the mixer that make noise when you move it, and he has had a blast slapping that thing around!  I have also been putting him in a Bumbo chair 10 minutes a day (per physical therapy) to help with sitting.  He does not like it.  He will play for about 2 minutes and he wants out. And best of all, he is starting on solids!  He does pretty good and he loves peaches.  I am only feeding him a small amount at a time.  Usually I can get him to eat about 10-12 bites and he is done, wants his bottle!  But each day he is eating a little more, so we are on the right path.  By my bathroom scales, he weighs 12.4 lbs today.  We will have an accurate weight on Wednesday after the dr appointment.  I'm so proud of him I could just burst!  He has officially made a dozen of himself since birth! 
He also does not like being held much anymore.  He would much rather be on the floor playing unfer his baby gym, or in his crib watching the mobile go around and light up.  He is also pretty fond of the lights and sounds bouncy chair.  That chair has enabled me to do many things around the house! 

My favorite thing is he is always smiling!  If he isn't hungry, wet or tired, he is grinning ear to ear!  My second favorite thing is he has a wonderful sleep routine!  At 9:30pm he is ready for bed, and fussy if he doesn't get there soon.  He wakes up at 5:30am every morning almost on the dot.  That's 8 full hours of sleep he is getting!  (And me too!)  I w


Last week Trevor's ECI advocate referred him to a physical therapist because she was just a little bit concerned about him not rolling from his back to his tummy.  So, Monday the physical therapist came to our house to evaluate Trevor.  He had nothing but great news!  Trevor is cronologically almost 6 months old, but he should only be almost 3 months old.  Therefore, that is the age that the medical community views him.  The therapist said Trevor is doing excellent and is definately ahead of a 3 month olds abilities.  He did not feel any tight or loose muscle tone, which is very common in preemies.  Trevor has good head control, rolls from his tummy to his back, tries to grab things, slaps at toys etc.  The therapist said not to worry at all about him not rolling from his back to his tummy.  He said it was excellent that he was even rolling from tummy to back.  So, it looks like he is right on track and not behind afterall.

I will post new pictures tonight since it has been a long time.  I will also try to update the blog more often.  I do apologize for not being consisitent.  However, Trevor keeps me very

Sorry for taking so long to update.  I have been really busy.  Trevor's party was great!  We had a total of 71 guests!  He is doing good but has not gained any weight in 4 weeks.  He still weighs 10lbs even.  We have a registered dietician coming to our house next week to give us advice on how to get him to gin more weight.  Physically he is doing great, but ECI is a little concerned that he is not rolling from his back to  his tummy yet.  They made a physical therapy referral and the Physical Therapist will come to our home on Monday to assess Trevor.  As far as intellectual skills, Trevor is above and beyond all expectations.  He is squealing, babbling, laughing out loud, reaching for toys, holds his pacifier in with his hand, and "holds" the sides of his bottle when he is eating.  I am so proud of my little hero.  He is having more trouble with reflux now, and is more gassy.  We will discuss that with Dr. Worley next week.  He is not spittig up, but the reflux gets into his  throat and mouth and sometimes he chokes on it.  He did that several weeks ago, and then stopped.  Now he is doing it again.  Some days he does not do it at all, and some days it is really bad.  Again, we will talk to the Dr about that too.  I wish I could write more, but I have so many things going on right now, I hardly have time to think anymore :)   But overall, Trevor is doing well and is definately the light of our lives.  The girls are also doing great.  Today is Alli's birthday.  I can't believe my baby girl is 6 today!  Time sure does fly!