We are having a be-lated "Welcome Home" party for Trevor!  It will be this Friday March 26th from 5:30-7:30pm in the banquet room of Our Place (in Buna).  Since the time will overlap dinner time, I wanted to tell everyone that the restaurant has an all you can eat seafood buffet that night, as well as menu items.  You are by no means obligated, I just wanted to let everyone know it is available if you're interested.  The seafood buffet is 12.95 I think.  I'm sure I will take advantage of the awesome shrimp gumbo!!!  Anyway, we will have cake and some will eat, I'm sure.  It's going to be very casual and laid back.   The purpose is for everyone to finally be able to meet our little miracle.  It's also an opportunity for me to personally thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers for Trevor.  I believe with all my heart, that our prayers are the very reason he is with us today.  So, I am inviting EVERYONE to come and meet him, have some cake, and just mingle.  If anyone needs directions or more information, please email me at [email protected]  I really hope we have a good turn out!!
Sorry I haven't written in almost a week, but we have been super busy around here.  Trevor went to the pediatrician Tuesday because we thought he was getting sick.  Turned out to just be allergies and a little Benadryl has helped a lot.  Wednesday he went to Houston to Texas Childrens to be seen by the surgery team for his hernias.  The doctor said he can wait a couple of months before having the surgery!  That's good news!  If he had it right now, they would have to hospitalize him, but if he can wait until he is 8 months old, he can have it done as an outpatient.  So, he will more than likely have the surgery in June.  He weighs 10lbs now, and will be 5 months old tomorrow!  He sure is keeping me really, really busy!  He is awake most of the day now, which is good, because he sleeps all night, but I have to keep a constant eye on him because of his reflux.  He sometimes chokes on it, and I have to suction his mouth and nose to clear it out.  It seems to be improving, and hopefully it will go away soon.  I posted a new picture of Kayla, Alli, and Trevor's feet!  It's really a sweet picture!
Trevor is doing better, but is now having diarrhea.  He has had it all day long today.  I am pretty sure it's from the increase in his heart medicine  (it happened in the NICU when he first started the med).  Hopefully this will pass soon.  As for the other problem, I am certain that he was having reflux.  I have noticed after he eats, that he gets cranky and uncomfortable and I can actually hear him reflux.  During that time, his oxygen saturation drops pretty low, but it does come back up quickly.  It is getting better since the doctor increased his reflux medicine. I should get the results to his Holter monitor test by Wednesday.  I am sure it will be good!   I also posted new pictures!
Today, Trevor had his pulmonary and cardiac appointments in Houston.  Cardiac went okay and he is wearing a 24 hr Holter monitor until 2pm tomorrow (it monitors his heart in detail and records patterns for the doctor to see how his heart works in a 24hr period).  We will get results from that next week.  Pulmonary (lungs) was not so great.  He dropped his saturation into the 50's during his lung test.  The doctor is not sure if he is having complications from reflux, or a cardiac complication.  I am hoping its reflux.  Anyway, he is back on oxygen at nighttime and back on the pulse ox monitor 24-7.  The doctor is supposed to call me tomorrow morning with more information, and their plan of action.  Poor little guy!  I just don't know what happened or why. He has had periods of dropping lower than usual since we got home.  I am really worried about him, but, as always, I know Trevor will get over this quickly. 
Friday night Trevor made his first "public appearance."  We took him to Our Place (my grandparent's restaurant) to meet the crew there that has been DYING to see him.  He really enjoyed being out, and was facinated with the lights and the noise of the restaurant.  I am planning a little "meet and greet" type thing, where everyone can come and finally meet him.  I will let everyone know the date and time.  Trevor is pretty much out-of-the-woods for severe illnesses now that he has had all of his shots, and he had a 3rd dose of Synagis, which will protect him from RSV.  I have had so many emails, calls, and Facebook messages from people who are asking when can they come meet him!  I am planning to have it at Our Place in the Banquet Room, probably in the next couple of weeks. 
Things are going good.  Trevor's pulmonary doctor called to check on him today.  Everything has been good with his oxygen saturation, so she said he does NOT need to have the 4 hour OCRG test tomorrow!  She said since we will be in Houston next Wednesday for Trevor's cardiac appointment, we can bring him by to see her while we are in the hospital, to save us an extra trip to Houston! She is soooo awesome!  I just love all the doctor's there at Texas Children's.  They treat us like family.  I have NEVER had a doctor call my cell phone until Trevor was born.  Usually doctors have nurses or receptionists call and give you messages.  But at TCH, the doctors themselves call us, and I really like that!  I just can't say enough about the TCH doctors. 
Last night poor Trevor did not sleep hardly at all.  He was running a low-grade temperature (due to the shots), and just felt crummy.  He finally fell asleep around 4am.  We had to get up at 5:30 am, so neither of us got much rest at all.  The good news is, his eye appointment went GREAT!  He has no more ROP in either eye! The opthamologist said his eyes look perfect!  He will not have to have another eye exam until he turns a year old.  I am so thankful that his little eyes are okay.  I was a little scared about driving all the way to Houston with him by myself, but he was so tired, he slept the whole way there and the whole way back!  He was still sleepy when we got home (and I was exhausted!) so we curled up on the couch and took a nap.  He is a little fussy again tonight, but hopefully we can get a little more rest than we did last night.  If not, we can always cuddle on the couch again tomorrow!  The rest of this week will be a busy one.  I am taking Alli to her allergist tomorrow because she is still broken out.  Dennis took her to the Dr this morning, but she is worse tonight than she was when she went to the doctor.  Friday is Trevor's appointment with the pulmonologist (lung Dr in Houston).  I am sure all will go well with that appointment

I just posted some new pictures.  Unfortunately, I did not take one with Alli holding Trevor.  We noticed a few minutes ago that she started breaking out in welts on her arms, belly, feet, and hands.  We are almost positive it is because of her food allergies, but we can't be sure because she hasn't eaten anything that we know she is allergic to.  Maybe she is allergic to something new now.  But, just to be on the safe side of things, we are keeping distance between Trevor and Alli.  Poor baby, she really wants to hold him and play with him! I gave her Benadryl and we put Calamine lotion on her to help with the itching.  I will watch her closely for the next couple of hours to make sure she doesn't have any other symptoms, or that it does not get worse.  Hopefully we can figure out what caused this reaction.  She is not acting sick and doesn't feel bad, she just itches.  Going to keep a close eye on this.
We just got back from Dr. Worley's office for a check-up and shots.  Poor little guy had to get 4 shots!  He was soooooo upset!  His lips started turning purple, he was crying so hard.  As soon as I picked him up, he started calming down and has been asleep since.  His check-up went good.  He weighs 8lbs 11oz and is 19.5 inches long.  He is growing like a weed!  There were several mothers in the doctor's office that asked us how old Trevor was, and when we told them he was 4 months old, you should have seen the looks on their faces.  There was another lady with a 4 month old boy and he weighed 19lbs!  He was big for his age and looked like a giant compared to Trevor!  But, time is all Trevor needs....he will be big and tall before we know it.  Tomorrow he has an appointment in Houston with the opthamologist to check the ROP in his eyes again.  This should be our last visit for opthamology as long as everything is still okay.  Friday he has an appointment with the pulmonologist in Houston.  I'm sure he will have several more follow ups with pulmonary.  I will post new pictures tonight.  I have some really good ones of Trevor and Kayla.  I want to try to get some with him and Alli so I can post them at the same time.