I went shopping this evening and finally bought Trevor a baby bathtub.  He was outgrowing the hospital tub we had.  I also bought him an activity gym and he really likes it!  (Almost as much as the curtains!)  Of course, I took pictures of him and I posted them on here.  By the look on his face in some of the pictures, I think he is getting tired of the "paparazzi" following his every move!  I can't help it, I just want to capture every moment that I can.  I'm still trying to get a good one of him in his little red wagon, but he does NOT cooperate!  He doesn't like to be posed!  I will try again tomorrow night.

Today, Trevor has been home for five weeks.  It seems like just yesterday we were too excited to sleep, because we knew we were bringing our baby home the next morning.  Trevor has grown so much since we brought him home.  He is eating so good, sleeping good for the most part, and he is so active!  He loves to look at the curtains in the livingroom.  Strange, I know!  Especially since they are just  plain...nothing fancy. But he will stare at them FOREVER and make noises like he is talking to the curtains!  Last night he was cranky and I couldn't get him settled down, so I sat on the couch and layed him down next to me and instantly...he found the curtains!  He was so still and quiet, and just gazed at them in awe.  Dennis and I just laughed and said "Well, now we know what to do when nothing else works!"  Who would have ever thought a set of curtains would entertain a baby better than a swing, mobile, music and light up toys??  I think he likes looking at them better than me because the curtains are getting way mo

Today, Trevor's pulmonary doctor said he could come off of the oxygen!  Yay!  We are so excited, and so is Trevor.  I am about to post some of the CUTEST pictures ever!  He was smiling SO big and trying to laugh out loud! He is doing so good.  He is eating like a pig, growing like a weed, and smiling a lot!  We are so blessed to have this precious baby!
Trevor is such a happy baby.  He is in the best mood most of the day and is finally sleeping through the night regularly.  Today I got the cutest video of him "talking" to me and smiling!  He now can roll from his tummy on to his back!  He is doing so good, and every day he seems to accomplish something else.  ECI is now coming out once a week to keep an eye on his development.  They will be here at 9am tomorrow and I am very excited to show them what he has learned to do this week! Tuesday he will see the pulmonary doctor in Houston and have a OCRG test.  It's a test to see how well his lungs have developed and will determine if he is ready to get off of the oxygen or not.  I feel like he will be able to come off of it very soon. I take it off when I bathe him and have been leaving it off for a little longer each time and he has not once dropped his saturation below 98%.  I just love seeing his little face without the tape and cannula! 

Yesterday we took Trevor to the pediatrician because he sounded a little congested.  Thank goodness it was only a little nasal congestion.  The doctor said he did not have an infection or anything of that nature.  His lungs sounded great and he checked out with a clean bill of health. The doctor recommended using a cool-mist humidifier and saline drops to help with the nasal congestion.  Both seem to be working wonderfully. I probably overreacted, but I would rather make a trip to the doctor than not, and him get really sick.  Better to be safe than sorry, especially with a preemie. 

He weighed 8lbs even yesterday!  He is getting so big.  He is really enjoying "playtime" now.  Usually late in the evening he gets into the best mood and loves to be talked to and watch/listen to his toys. He flails his arms and grunts at his toys, and every once in a while he will let out a little squeal! It's very cute!  He "played" so long last night that he played himself to sleep!  I figured he would wake up very early since he fell asleep about 9:30pm, but he did not wake up until 5:30 this morning!!!  My little man slept through the night!!!  I sure enjoyed that!  Today he is exactly 4 months old and has been home for 3 weeks and 1 day. 
Tonight I was finally able to take a few pictures of Trevor, and I figured out how to post one here!  There are more cute ones in the pictures 2 section. He is doing great and we just love him more and more each day!  ECI did an evaluation today and determined that he does qualify for servicees once a week.  We are excited to get started and help little butterbean catch up! 

At about 1am this morning, Trevor had a huge dirty diaper.  Apparently that's what he needed, because after that, he went right to sleep!  Guess who slept for 6 hours?!  Yep, he didn't wake up until about 7:30 this morning!  He has been in such a playful mood today, and obviously feeling much better.  I bought him a little pair of denim overalls yesterday.  I can't wait to put them on him!  Wouldn't it make a cute picture sitting in his red wagon in his overalls?  Hmmmm, maybe I can try that later this evening!
Okay y'all, I am typing this one handed while rocking a tired little angel, who finally fell asleep.  This evening Trevor started having tummy aches again.  I have burped, rocked, bounced, patted, soaked him in a warm bath, gave Mylicon drops.....nothing seems to soothe his bellyache for long.  Im not sure why he is having stomach/gas pains but I know for sure thats what it is.  He also has not pooped in about 36 hours.  I just called the pediatrician's answering service and they say to keep trying the things I've already done and if he isn't better by Monday bring him in, or if he seems to be in extreme pain take him to the ER.  It's not bad enough, thank God, to go to the ER, but the poor little guy is so uncomfortable!  It's so hard to watch him like this because I know he is hurting and I can't seem to fix it!   The Mylicon drops help, but only for a short time.  Gonna pray he gets rid of these tummy troubles real soon.
Trevor's doctor visits went good.  The opthamologist said that the ROP in Trevor's eyes is almost completely gone.  His right eye is totally free of ROP now, and the left barely has any at all.  He will go back in 3 weeks to check them again.  The cardiologist increased Trevor's dose of Flecainide, only because it needed to be adjusted because he has gained weight.  Yep!  He is gaining weight wonderfully!  He now weighs 7lbs even. He will see the cardiologist again March 10th.  He is such a joy to have at home.  I finally got him to smile at me yesterday!  He loves to watch the mobile over his crib and he likes any kind of toys that have lights.  He has started flailing his arms when he gets excited.  It looks like he is practicing a boxing technique!!  He now tries to make sounds at his toys.  He doesn't "goo" or "gaaa" yet, it's more like an excited grunt!  ECI will be here on the 16th to do a full assessment of Trevor's development.  All we got last week was some paperwork and a lot of information, but they did not do an actual assessment.  We also stopped by the NICU while we were at TCH, and seen one of our favorite nurses, Nurse Debbie!  I finally got a picture of her and Trevor together, and I will try to post it today. 

OK it worked!  I was able to post 7 new pictures.