Today marks Trevor's 102nd day in the NICU.  We are on our way to Houston again this morning.  I am excited to tell you all, that when we leave the hospital today, we will not have to leave empty handed anymore.  Trevor is coming home with us today!  It's impossible to extend my emotions to you, because words are not adequate.  I feel like a thousand tons have been lifted from me, and it's hard to even type this as my excitment grows, the closer we get to Houston.  I sure am glad we have a large 4 door truck, because Trevor's stuff takes up a LOT of room!  I brought my camera of course, and I will take many, many pictures of this memorable event!  I should be able to post them on the way home.  I will ride in the backseat with Trevor because we have such a long way to go and I am already becoming a paranoid mother.  I can tell already that he will be the most spoiled rotten kid in the world!  I am going to post a Thank You section on a separate page on the Website.  Please take the time to read over it, because it will be written with all of you in mind. 

Obviously, my brain was on vacation yesterday.  I miscounted Trevor's days in the NICU.  TODAY was actually his 100th day.  I didn't realize I had miscounted until I heard Dr. Ford say it this morning while rounding on Trevor.  Oh well, I guess we all make mistakes :)  Anyway, I visited Trevor again today and I sure missed Nurse Debbie!  His nurse today was extremely nice, but there is a special place in our hearts for Debbie and Celna.  It sure makes it so much easier to leave him there when we know that he is with someone who adores him like they do.  If you didn't know any better, you would think they were family.  Atleast, that's the way we think of them.  Afterall, we entrust them with one of our most prized posessions.  I think Celna may be back tomorrow.  I sure hope so! 

Things are well underway in preparation for Trevor's discharge.  He had his swallow study this morning and Dr. Cox said that his swallowing ability is improving, but he will remain on thickened feeds for now.  Tomorrow is the eye exam.  It's the only thing holding him back.  I am praying with every fiber of my being that his eyes have started to repair, or atleast not be any worse.  Today his home oxygen equipment was delivered and set up.  Tomorrow we will have his prescriptions filled.  He is only coming home on 2 prescriptions, Flecainide for the Atrial Tachycardia and Prevacid for refulx.  This is a blessing in itself!  And the best news is, he will outgrow both meds and the oxygen.  As we all know, Trevor does things ONLY when he gets good and it's all up to him.  I have a feeling he will not be on the oxygen too long.  But we are definately not going to rush ANYTHING.  The poor little guy has been through enough, and now it's time for him to relax at home. 

The first few weeks home will be filled with doctor appointments, most of them in Houston.  He will have to see a pulmonologist, cardiologist, ENT, opthamologist, and of course his regular pediatrician. Additionally, we are setting up home visits for Early Childhood Intervention and possibly physical and occupational therapy. The latter 3 are to ensure that he is developing properly and meeting milestones according to his adjusted age.  It will be hectic, but we are definately up to the challenge!  I am very excited, and so thankful that he may come home this week.  

We bought him a travel swing today.  Now he can swing whenever and wherever he wants to! Tonight he weighs 6lbs 3oz is 1

Today, Trevor has been in the NICU for 100 days.  It sure seems like a lot longer to me.  I am constantly amazed at the progress he has made in just 3 months.  Tonight he weighs 6lbs 2oz and is taking all his feeds by bottle.  He also started physical therapy today to help strengthen his muscles.  Even though Trevor is 3 months old, he was only supposed to be born a week ago.  Therefore, the doctors will base all development and growth patterns on his adjusted age (which is 1 week right now).  Nurse Debbie put Trevor in a baby swing for the first time today and she said he really enjoyed it!  As a matter of fact, he was "swinging" again when I called to check on him at about 10pm tonight! 
Tomorrow morning he will have another swallow study done to see if he still needs to have his formula thickened.  I hope that he does not need that any longer, but my motherly instinct tells me that he does.  I can tell when I feed him, that he still has some issues with swallowing.  I sure hope I am wrong, but tomorrow will tell.  His eye exam is scheduled for Wednesday and I am praying that the ROP has started to correct itself and that he will not need laser surgery.  If all goes well, and the eye exam is good, Dr. Ford thinks that Trevor can come home this week.  Originally they said Wednesday, but that has been changed.  Everytime I tell people his expected discharge date, it gets I will just say that his new expected discharge day starts with an "F".  :)  

Today Trevor is 99 days old!  He is doing very good with his bottle feeds and his nurse said tonight that he is wanting more after the bottle is finished!  Little pig!  I took more pictures today. Nana Campbell found the cutest little striped pants and rocking horse onesie!  It fits Trevor really good.  Today was the first time he has ever worn a pair of pants!  The picture is cute!  

This morning, Dr. Ford gave me an expected discharge day of next week for Trevor! (as long as his eye exam is okay) I am so excited and I know that Trevor is ready to be home now.  I can tell by looking at him that he is really starting to miss me.  He cries now when I have to put him down to leave.  I do not like it at all!  I need him home!!!!!

Today Trevor had his NG tube removed and is now taking 8 bottles a day!  I am so excited about this, and I hope he can keep up the good work and not have to have the tube replaced.  He also hit the 6lb mark tonight!  6lbs EVEN!  I am getting more anxious by the day, because I know that very soon he will be home.  I posted new pictures tonight, but I had to put them on another page.  Now there is a new page on the website "Pictures 2".  That is where all of the new pictures will be posted.  I did not want to delete any of the older ones because I like to look back at them and see how far he has come.  The new pictures include Trevor's first time to wear socks, Getting an EKG, and wearing his "Trevor" shirt given to him by Shana Worsham of Lollipop Kids.  Enjoy!
Trevor is doing great in level 2.  Dr. Cox said that he has to stay there atleast until Wednesday of next week because his eye exam showed that the ROP in both eyes has progessed just a bit for the worst.  The opthamologist says that it should begin to repair itself, and he will check Trevor's eyes again on Wednesday.  If it has not changed or has become worse, then Trevor will have to stay.  If it happens to continue to worsen, then he will have laser surgery to repair it.  I asked if the damage he has RIGHT NOW would cause him any vision loss and the answer was NO.  So that is good, but if it gets worse it could cause the retina to detatch, and that would definately affect his vision.  I am confident that everything will go fine on Wednesday with the eye exam, and I am thinking that maybe he could come home Thursday!  Dr. Cox has not set a date, but I am hopeful :)  I tried to post some new pictures, but they won't upload!  I will try again in the morning. 

I would like to ask all of you that are praying for Trevor, to say a prayer for baby girl Teagan Choate. Her parents are from Buna and she is in the Level 3 NICU at Texas Children's.  I don't want to go into too much detail without her parents permission, but this family needs every prayer they can get.  They are wonderful people and they love this baby girl with all their hearts. 

Today is the day my little Trevor would be due.  Ironically, he is exactly 3 months old today.  He weighs 5lbs 13oz and is 16.5 inches long.  I am very excited about him being 3 months old because at one time, we never thought it would happen.  It's also bittersweet because I think about how big and healthy he could have been if he could have been born today.  He probably would have been able to come home 2 days later. 

Now we have another waiting game.  This morning Trevor went back into Atrial Tachycardia and the electrophysiologist along with his cardiologist  decided to increased his dose of Flecainide.  He will remain in Level 3 NICU until further notice.  The cardiologist said it was fine by her to move him to Level 2, but the Neonatologist says it is better to leave him in level 3.  I miss him so bad, and I know that as long as he is in Level 3, he won't be coming home soon. But I also realize that they are taking extremely good care of Trevor and that he is not ready to come home yet.  We certainly don't want him home before he is  healthy enough.   

Yesterday, I put socks on him for the first time ever!  He did not appreciate it much, and definately prefers to be barefooted.  We also noticed that he is very sensitive to the smell of rubbing alcohol.  Each time the nurses clean any thing near him with alcohol (like IV ports), he starts crying.  Also, if I rub my hands with Purell and pick him up soon after (while the smell is still apparent) he cries.  It really is not surprising that he does this, given the fact that almost everytime rubbing alcohol is near him, he is getting blood drawn or an IV inserted.  I also think that is why he does not like socks being put on him.  Most of the time if someone is touching his feet, it means he is about to get a heel stick.  It's amazing how smart he is and that he relates thing together like that.  Just more proof that my little "butterbean" is coming along nicely in terms of intellectual development. 

I thought I had posted the pictures yesterday, but they didnt show up.  I have posted them and they are there now :)  The picture of him in his carseat was about 2 weeks ago.  We had to put him in it and make sure he fit!
Trevor's Nana bought him the cutest little baseball outfit with a tiny little matching cap.  The clothes don't it yet, but the cap fits perfectly!  He really likes wearing it because not only does it keep his head warm,  it keeps the light out of his eyes!  He looks so precious in it!  I posted a few new pictures, and of course one with the baseball cap on.  He is still doing well and gaining weight like a pro.  He weighs 5lbs 13 oz today. 
Trevor has improved dramatically and is now back to his old self.  He is very alert and loves to be talked to and cuddled.  He is doing well on the new heart medication (Flecainide) and it is controlling his tachycardia wonderfully.  His doctor said that he will remain in Level 3 over the weekend, but could go back to Level 2 possibly on Tuesday.  He weighs 5lbs 11oz now.  I am finally going back home today, but I will go back to Houston again tomorrow.  I will post more later.